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Image by Carolyn V

Pastor's Blog


Unexpected Places

This past week has been a week of loss: another beloved member of St. Matt's, Kay Gunderson, passed on into the eternally loving and welcoming presence of God. We are helping David James' daughter contend with David's belongings. We prepare to remember our dear member, Lew Martin, in a Sunday zoom memorial. It feels like the coronavirus and the stress of the pandemic is taking an indirect toll on the people and communities we love.

But this week has also been a week of joy: we continue to worship our God together faithfully (if with the occasional technical difficulty!) and joyfully from our terrace, as we listen to fellow people of faith share "how they encountered God this week" (even in the midst of a pandemic). And we continue to move the improvement of the church kitchen forward--it will be fabulous and licensed! In fact, now the work really begins as we make some plumbing improvements before finishing the floor and installing the new equipment. And our profoundly impactful community ministry with people experiencing homelessness continues every week.

I pray that wherever you are, you are experiencing God's love and restoration in unexpected ways--on the third Zoom call of the day, in the tomatoes you are harvesting from your patio garden, as you walk your dog down a tree-lined street, as you sip on an ice cube in an effort to stay cool.


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