Our faith engages our community and our world. We operate our own homeless drop-in program and we partner with other faith communities to address the most pressing issues of our time.

NoHo Home Alliance
In response to the widespread needs of a rapidly growing homeless population in North Hollywood, St. Matt's opened a weekly drop-in program for homeless and low-income persons in March 2016 called NoHo Home Alliance. We provide showers, clothes, toiletries, two hot meals and one bag meal, a case worker, electronics charging, movies, other activities, and safe and healthy space. Doors open and sign-ups begin at 8:30am on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Volunteers and donations always needed. For more information on our current needs, go to nohohome.org.
To volunteer or schedule donation drop-offs, please contact us:
Email: info@nohohome.org
Phone: 818-762-2909

Feed the Homeless Monthly Bag Lunch Making
Each month, usually on the last Saturday, we gather at 9am in the church kitchen, adjacent the Timothy Stocks Fireside Room, to prep PB&J sandwiches & bag lunches for the needy of the Valley. Our efforts support LSS, Canoga Park as well as our homeless drop-in program, NoHo Home Alliance.
Check our calendar for the next one! or contact Chris Luna for more info: chris@stmatthewsnoho.org

Annual Mexico House Build
For more than 15 years, St. Matt's has partnered with Lutheran Border Concerns Ministries to bring the love of God in Jesus Christ to impoverished residents in the Tijuana, Mexico area by building small houses they can call their own. Each Spring we fundraise between $4000 and $6000 to finance the cost of building supplies for our annual trip to Mexico, usually in the first weeks of November. St. Matt's partners with other area Lutheran churches to send a team of about 25 volunteers for a weekend of profound experience of God's mercy and hope.

Sacred Solidarity and Sanctuary
In response to an increase in threats and assaults on Muslims and immigrants in this season, the Bishop of the Southwest California Synod of the ELCA has established a "Synod Taskforce for Sacred Solidarity and Sanctuary" to foster congregational and individual Lutheran action in support of threatened groups. St. Matt's and Pastor Stephanie Jaeger are playing a lead role in organizing our regional initiatives such as establishing a "religious rapid response network," assisting immigrants facing deportation hearings, and more.
For more information, contact Pastor Stephanie
Email: pastor@stmatthewsnoho.org

Advocacy with Ministry Partners
As the need arises, the pastor and the people of St. Matt's engage in advocacy such as public witness before legislative bodies on behalf of civil rights. We act in collaboration with our ministry partners such as ELCA Office of Public Policy in both Sacramento and Washington, DC, Lutherans Concerned (Lutheran LGBTQ ministry), our synod's justice team and justice-focused task forces, and One LA/IAF.